Friday, February 27, 2015

Instalife #34

Coffee. Work. Eat. Instagram. Watch tv show. Eat again.  Shop online. Sleep. Repeat.
This is what my life has become so far in 2015. Shopping online has become such an addiction after a long - very very long - day at work. I don't even have time to go have a look in actual shops and my day off pretty much consists of not wanting to do anything besides chilling in my bed and try at all my beautiful new clothes, ready for spring, hanging in my closet. Haha. 

Yes, this is what I call the end of hibernation. I am so over winter now, I don't want to get out as I can't stand the cold breeze. I am dreaming of wearing sandals, a leather jacket with a skirt and so on. 
I feel like I need to renew myself - like every year at the end of winter - as I don't like my hair color/cut anymore, I want to throw all of my 2014 clothes away, lose 10 pounds, eat healthy and re-design my blog. Pretty much, my life needs a little upgrade! 

I'm going to take pictures for the blog today as - MIRACLE - the sun is shining so I get decent lighting in my room :) 


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