Friday, February 27, 2015

Instalife #34

Coffee. Work. Eat. Instagram. Watch tv show. Eat again.  Shop online. Sleep. Repeat.
This is what my life has become so far in 2015. Shopping online has become such an addiction after a long - very very long - day at work. I don't even have time to go have a look in actual shops and my day off pretty much consists of not wanting to do anything besides chilling in my bed and try at all my beautiful new clothes, ready for spring, hanging in my closet. Haha. 

Yes, this is what I call the end of hibernation. I am so over winter now, I don't want to get out as I can't stand the cold breeze. I am dreaming of wearing sandals, a leather jacket with a skirt and so on. 
I feel like I need to renew myself - like every year at the end of winter - as I don't like my hair color/cut anymore, I want to throw all of my 2014 clothes away, lose 10 pounds, eat healthy and re-design my blog. Pretty much, my life needs a little upgrade! 

I'm going to take pictures for the blog today as - MIRACLE - the sun is shining so I get decent lighting in my room :) 



Sunday, February 15, 2015

On my playlist ⎜Style

I think I'm now officially obsessed with every single songs from Taylor Swift.
If I were still a teenager, I would have been pinning poster of her everywhere in my room for sure.
I have been listening to 'Out of the woods' and 'Shake it off' non stop. Not to mention the song 'Blank Space' which is my new anthem. Haha!

I hope you all had a wonderful V day :)



Sunday, February 8, 2015

Wishlist ⎥Monochrome


Hey everyone! Here's a little monochrome wishlist. Black and white is all I seem to wear these days.
I even got called as a waitress in a restaurant this weekend, that's how embarrassing my love for monochrome has gotten haha! I am really excited with the new spring collection, I basically spend an hour every day going online and looking at all the new stuffs. I'm DONE with winter and with wearing massive coats and boots. All I dream about is flats, leather jackets and a tee. No scarves, no gloves. Just bliss.

My hours at work have gotten so crazy that I'll be getting home even later than before. I'll try to post as much as can't be worst than my posting habit during january anyway haha.

I hope you're all doing good!

1. Zara City Bag croco (here) / 2. Zara sweater (here) / 3. Topshop jamie jeans (here)
 4. Zara pointed flats (here) / 5. Zara dress (here) / 6. Fashionology stud earrings (here)
7. Topshop white trainers (here) / 8. Zara pearl earrings (here) / 9. Zara heels (here)


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New in | Color Boost

Wow. Is that an actual post? I know, I know I have been on a blogging roll so far in 2015 haha. I feel so bad for not blogging yet at the same I had to take a step back and breathe. Life has been hectic with a lot of extra work hours, the sun coming down a 3PM, being cold as hell, feeling like a sloppy mess with nothing to wear...what january is all about. I think I need to consider buying artificial lighting for my room otherwise I only will be blogging for 6 months out of a year due to the terrible lack of sun we encounter over here.

Apart from that, I'm still the same girl loving lipstick and scrolling through Instagram most of the day with a Starbucks in the other hand. January has been the "wake up call" month diet wise. The pounds have been adding up since last year and I really don't feel comfortable with my weight at the moment so I have decided to break my habits and start exercising. That's a lot for me as I really not the athletic style. Crunches, cardio, squats and so on. I have not seen any result yet but apparently that's normal, you just need to persevere! Time to get that body ready for summer. 

This post was little bit of a comeback so I'm going to talk about my favorite thing in the whole - makeup - world : lipsticks! I have received the new Bourjois Color Boost shades and so far, I am obsessed. They're super creamy, comfortable to wear and moisturizing. It's not overly pigmented which is a good thing as they tend to transfer a lot! My favorite colors have been "Proudly Naked" and "Pinking of it". The third color "Sweet Macchiato" is lovely but really does not work at all for my skin tone. 

Have you tried them?

I hope you're all OK! lots of love!


Monday, February 2, 2015

Instalife #33

Although I have been missing in action over here, I'm pretty consistant when it comes to posting on Instagram. I'm hooked like a kid on sugar. Is that ok to Instagram many food pictures? Is there a protocole? How many selfies a week? Are two selfies in a row not a little bit overboard? Is that totally ok to wear heels just to take your outfit pictures then go back to your comfy winter boots? Are filters still on this year or is that totally 2014? Do you look desperate by posting too many life quotes? Is that ok to have a sudden change of heart and delete your picture... 10 minutes after posting it?  So many questions.....

You can follow me @mypreciousnp

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