Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bioderma Exfoliating Purifying Gel

Hello my name is Marilou and I am an exfoliator addict.
I just can't resist! Every single time I see an exfoliator, I just go "ooooh" or "mmmmmh" when reading the notice at the back of the packaging. For instance : Bioderma Exfoliator purifying gel removes impurities and cleanses / Smoothes the skin texture and refines the pores ("mmmmh") They always seem like a life changing product that will make all my skin imperfections and issues go away. My latest skin care buy is therefore, an other exfoliator. As I really enjoy using my Bioderma Eau Micellaire, I decided to take the plunge and try an other Bioderma product! YES! YES Bioderma has a wider range of products than the famous Crealine! I bought this in France as is it always cheaper than here in expensive Belgium (it was about 10€).

Bonjour mon nom est Marilou et je suis une accro des gommages!
Et oui, je ne peux jamais résister, dès que je vois le moindre produit gommant je m'extasie tout en lisant le fameux descriptif au dos du produit. Par exemple pour mon nouveau gommage Bioderma j'étais toute émoustillée quand j'ai lu "désincruste et nettoie" ou encore "lisse le grain de peau". MMMMH. Les gommages me donnent toujours cette impression qu'ils vont changer ma vie et faire disparaître toutes mes affreuses imperfections. J'en reviens donc à mon nouveau gommage Sébium de Bioderma.Comme j'adore mon eau micellaire de la même marque je me suis lancée lors de mon petit city day trip à Lille pour tester un autre produit de la gamme. Et ouais, parce que Bioderma fait bien autre chose à part les fameuses eaux micellaires qui inondent les blogs du monde entier. 

I have been using this product for a solid two weeks now so I think it's the perfect moment for a review.
This exfoliator is super liquid, that's one thing I didn't really like about it. It is said to be a purifying GEL but I didn't find it had that gel texture, which is really missing here! It slips through your fingers so easily. It doesn't have a particular smell as it is a pharmaceutical product that is non-comedogenic. 
On the exfoliating side, it makes my skin sooooo soft and I feel like it has really been smoothing my skin texture as promised on the packaging. The down side of this is that I love it so much that I have been using it a LOT more than recommended and now my skin is so so so so dry. I'm going to use it as recommended, ONCE a week.

Cela fait maintenant un bon deux semaines que j'utilise ce gommage Bioderma. Alors tout d'abord, je trouve que ce produit est extrêmement liquide, genre super super über liquide. N'oublions pas ce produit est sensé être un GEL gommant. Et ben pour le coup c'est loupé, la texture n'est en rien similaire à un gel. Le produit tombe de partout, c'est pas top pour l'application.
Niveau "gommage" maintenant, il rend vraiment ma peau super douce et propre en PROFONDEUR. Mmmmh! Love it. Le seul petit bémol est que vu que j'adore ce produit je n'ai pas arrêté de l'utiliser ces deux dernières semaines et maintenant j'ai la peau super sèche, genre méga inconfortable. Je vais donc continuer de l'utiliser comme indiqué, UNE fois par semaine. 

I think I will repurchase this product, it is efficient, cheap and makes my skin as soft as a baby bum! 
A winning combo for the purifying gel from Bioderma. To use with moderation though if you don't want to end up like an old dried up lady

Je pense vraiment racheter ce produit. Je le trouve efficace, bon marché et il rend ma peau douce comme des fesses de bébé! Un trio gagnant donc pour le gel purifiant de Bioderma, à utiliser ceci dit avec modération au risque de virer vieille peau asséchée par la vie. 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

CATRICE lipsticks ♥

After reading so many reviews on them, I decided to take the plunge and buy three Catrice Ultimate Colour lipsticks. The range of colour is amazing and everybody could find the right lipstick shade for them easily.I believe that every girl should own at least a nude and a true red lipstick. So I went for a nude shade, a true red and a bordeaux one.

Après avoir lu tellement d'articles sur ces fameux lipsticks Ultimate Colour Catrice, j'ai décidé de sauter le pas et j'en ai acheté trois. La gamme de couleur disponible est vraiment top, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Je pense que toutes les filles devraient avoir un rouge à lèvres nude et un rouge basique. C'est le genre de lipstick qu'on peut toujours utiliser et qui va à tout le monde, le tout est de trouver la bonne teinte pour sa peau. Je suis fan de lipstick nude donc je n'ai pas pu résister à prendre une autre teinte nude et j'ai aussi pris un petit rouge basique pas trop flash ainsi qu'une couleur bordeaux absolument maaagnifique. 

The Nuder the Better - My Red Card - Tell Me A Berry-tale

I bought these lipsticks in a belgian drugstore and they were 3,99 euros each. Super bargain.
The packaging is super edgy for the price. I did find that they were  a bit similar to MAC though I find that you get less lipstick than in a MAC lipstick.

Les lipsticks Catrice sont disponibles chez Kruidvat pour 3,99 € ce qui est super raisonnable. Le packaging est vaiment pas mal pour un si petit prix, il me fait penser à celui des rouges à lèvres MAC.
J'ai l'impression ceci dit qu'il y a moins de produit que dans un RAL MAC.
Regardez comme ils sont beauuuuux

The finish is really moisturizing and rather shiny. You get a great coverage. I still love my Mac Satin finish lipstick better but I find these Catrice lipstick very nice for the price :) 

Les Ultimate Colour ont un fini brillant et ils sont assez hydratant. Je les trouve assez couvrants et agréables à porter. Il n'y a rien à faire, les RAL MAC restent mes préférés dans le domaine, pour moi, rien ne vaut un bon petit satin finish :) Pour le prix ceci-dit je trouve que ces lipsticks Catrice sont vraiment super! 

My favourite is the bordeaux shade one, it's sooo pretty and perfect for winter. 
Ma teinte préférée est la bordeaux toute à droite, c'est vraiment LA teinte parfaite pour l'automne

What do you think of these lipsticks?
Qu'en pensez vous les filles :)?


Thursday, September 20, 2012

First DEAUTY box

It's finally here! The first ever belgian beauty box, please welcome, DEAUTY. As explained in a previous post, the Deauty box, is going to make you discover beauty. I was so happy to receive this first box, it came as a surprise and I couldn't more thrilled to have been given the opportunity to try it!
I L.O.V.E the packaging of this beauty box. Sober and elegant with that edgy hummingbird white touch. It was wrapped very nicely as well :) 

Ouiiiiii. Enfin, la voici. La tant attendue DEAUTY box. La première beauty box belge, il était grand temps que quelqu'un se lance dans l'aventure et je suis ravie de voir que l'opération est vraiment réussie. J'étais super heureuse de trouver ce gros paquet chez moi en rentrant. Je suis complètement séduite par le packaging de la boîte. Sobre et élégant avec cette petite touche chic et glamour qu'apporte le petit oiseau blanc. Le nom est super bien trouvé pour le coup, c'est cohérent avec le thème et assez girly. Le tout était super bien emballé, ce qui est un véritable plus! 

The inside of DEAUTY. There was a little welcome note and a letter with a cute white bow.

L'intérieur de DEAUTY avec une petite note de bienvenue ainsi qu'une lettre et un joli petit noeud blanc.

I find the name very catchy and well find. I would definitely keep the box once it's empty. Even the inside of it is filled with tiny hummingbirds. I love how every details has been taken care of.

Non seulement le nom est super accrocheur mais en plus il correspond super bien au thème général de la boîte. J'adhère et j'adore! La boîte en elle-même est super mignonne je la garderais très certainement une fois que je l'aurais dépouillée de toutes ses merveilles. Le design est super soigné, même l'intérieur de la boîte est rempli de petits oiseaux :) 

The products of this first belgian beauty box.
I literally had a little happy scream when I opened it. OH MY GOSH!!!!

Les produits de la première beauty box.
J'ai carrément poussé un petit cri de joie en découvrant le contenu de la boîte. 

The box contains : 
La boîte contient : 

L'Oréal - Mythic Oil
Redken Full effect Volume Mousse.
Essie nail polish -  Size Matters
Clarins Bisérum intensif anti-soif
NUXE - Eau démaquillante micellaire aux 3 Roses

I'm SO excited about all the products.
You basically get a full size Essie nail polish, a full size Mythic Oil (eeeeeeek) and some travel sizes of Redken, Clarins and Nuxe. So chic!

Je suis SUPER enchantée du contenu de cette boîte. 
J'adore le fait qu'il s'y trouve un vernis full size de chez Essie. Une couleur super automnale et passe partout en plus. Je medemande si tout le monde reçoit la même couleur ceci dit? Quel BONHEUR d'être enfin la propriétaire d'une version full size de la MYTHIC OIL de l'Oréal que je voulais tester depuis des années lumières. Les autres produits ont aussi l'air topissimes, j'ai hâte de tout tester héhéhéhé.

This was just a little preview of the products, I will definitely review them all. I can't wait to try them ALL :) Thank you DEAUTY for sending me this box. I'm a happy bird!

Ceci n'était qu'un avant goût bien évidemment, je ferais des revues plus en profondeur de chaque produits après les avoir tester. Merci beaucoup a l'équipe de DEAUTY de m'avoir fait parvenir cette jolie boîte remplie de petites merveilles :) 


Saturday, September 8, 2012

On repeat

I know I'm not fifteen but I heart Taylor Swift's song.
Weeee are never ever eveerrrrr everrrr getting back together. Oh gosh, this is stuck in my head BIG TIME 


Monday, September 3, 2012

Mini make up blog sale

Time to clear up my make up drawer! I'm selling some quality make up items that I purchased but ended up using them so little, it was ridiculous to keep them. Maybe they will find a happier loving owner. This blog sale will be more interesting for someone living in Belgium, I'm sorry for such high shipping rates for France and the UK but the prices at the post office to send anything abroad are RIDIC.

Rules : 

- Paypal to paypal only 
- Shipping to Belgium : 1,50 euros
- Shipping to France/Germany : 3 euros
- Shipping to the UK: £2,50 
- No returns accepted, all items are in excellent shape and will be wrapped very cautiously.

Awwight, now that the boring stuff is said, let's move on to the fun make up part!

Items from left to right : 

- Mac Mineralize finish  in By Candlelight. Barely used. It was a limited edition. 11€ /£9 SOLD
- Nars Orgasm Multiple. More than 3/4 of the product left. 20€ / £16
- Mac lipstick  Viva Glam GAGA. 3/4 of the lipstick left. 12,50 € / £10
- Benefit Posie Tint. barely used. 15€ / £12
- Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Compact PINK. 15€ / £12  SOLD
-  Benefit eyeshadow in Rich Beach. Barely used. 12€ / £8

Leave me a comment if you are interested.
 I can send you a picture with a close up of the product if wanted :)



Thursday, August 16, 2012

A little bit of LC love


I've been rewatching The Hills from the beginning and I just love it as much as I did the first time.
I can't get tired of watching this show.

Here's some of my favourite gifs from LC and some famous The Hills quotes

She is so perfect!

Is that weird to say that Lauren is like my role model in life? LOL



Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On my nails today : Neon Glitter

I was contacted by Maggie from KKcenterHK which is basically a really great hong kong based beauty related website where you can find anything a girly girl would want from fake lashes, to makeup, wigs, hair extensions, clothing, shoes and everything nail related. I love that the website has soooo many brands that we don't even know about here in Belgium or even Europe. The variety of product is really insane. I got to chose three products to review so I'm really excited to show you guys my first choice. It was a bit hard to chose I have to admit as I pretty much wanted everything :) 

I absolutely LOVED KKcenterHK range of nail glitter. You have pretty every shape and size out there.
It hard really hard to chose but I went for the Neon Glitter

HOW GORGEOUS? Oh my god I just want to dip my whole self in those glitters. 
I wish I could take a glitter bath. These glitters are so amazingly pretty, I'm in LOVE.

I love chunky glitters. For the first look I did the "ring finger" thing with black nail polish to really make the glitter pop (although you don't really need anything to make this baby pop)

With flash.

It was easy peasy to achieve this look. You just have to dip your finger in the glitter jar.
I applied two coats of nail polish, then a top coat and dip it RIGHT after. The sticky topcoat will make the glitter stick to the nail. Then I just dab it on and removed the excess of glitter.
It was done in like three minutes. EASY AND GIRLY.

For my second look I did the whole nails. It was so hard to capture but you can see the party on my nails. It is even more gorgeous in real life. So many different shades. 

What I love also about these glitters it that it totally changes whether you wear with on a black base or a white base.

Can you tell I'm über excited with this neon glitter jar by the number of pictures I have taken? LOL

What do we think ladies? Do you love this as much as I do?
Which on do you prefer? White base of black base?

I'm so happy I ever tried this neon glitter from N.Nail.
You can find all their nail products on
I can't wait to show you guys the two other nail products I got! Stay tuned :) 



Friday, July 13, 2012

share some love

That Zara necklace is everything I love, chunky, edgy and gollllldddddd

A bit of a the one and only Lauren Conrad. I'm sad that we don't hear much of her lately.
I can always watch reruns of episode of The Hills though when I need my LC fix.

I love Miranda Kerr style, not to mention that she has a really hot bod.
The nude heels, the bag and the polka dots sheer blouse = fab combo!

Love this look! 

Olivia Palermo with the Zara Jacket. I think it's a cute look :)



On my nails today : Green with envy

My camera is driving me NUTS. Green with Envy by ORLY is NOT a turquoise nail polish. I don't know why it just would turn turquoise on camera, it is not.
Green with envy is a GREEN nail polish hence the name :) 
It is a gorgeous colour that I can't capture unfortunately.

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