Thursday, January 3, 2013

My life on Instagram #6

Happy new year 2013 :) 

I feel terrible because I don't have any cool NewYear's outfit to share with you as I pretty much stayed in pj's all night, eating comfort food with the boyf and watching disney movies. (Alice in Wonderland and Toy Story 3 to be precise) I have to study for my exam session next week so I really wanted to do something super cosy with not too much alcohol involved. I had a great night making sushi and drinking pink champagne :) 

Je me sens nulle je n'ai même pas de super outfit of the day spécial réveillon du Nouvel An à vous proposer. Et oui, période d'examen oblige, je suis restée en pij' toute la soirée à préparer des sushis et regarder des films Disney avec mon boyf (Alice aux pays des merveilles et Toy Story 3 pour être précis) Rien de tel qu'un réveillon cosy avec de bonnes choses à manger pour bien commencer l'année! Mes examens commencent la semaine prochaine et je me voyais mal en plein blocus avec un super mal de tête de gueule de bois + fatigue de la soirée de la veille. NON merci. 

♥ I had some super delicious chocolate cake to end 2012. Best way to end this year by far.
♥ SuperBoyf got me a lovely perfume as a little end of the year prezzie. Givenchy Hot Couture! I love IT!
♥ Christmas tree at my boyf's
♥ While studying, I treat myself during breaks with some Real Housewives of Miami REUNION. This season has been sooo dramatic and I can't wait for a third season.
♥Making some sushis! I had so much fun doing them and it wasn't THAT hard. I did some online research for the perfect recipe. 
♥ Foie Gras. I know this is terrible for the goose but damn it's good! 
♥ Hi !!!!!
♥ Homemade chinese noodle soup. Nom nom.
♥ My new tv show ADDICTION. Shahs of Sunset. I have a massive friend crush on Reza with the big 'stache. He is like my new imaginary best friend. 

I wish you all the best for this new year to come 





Anonymous said...


Stp dit moi où tu regarde Sahs of sunset! Je desepère à trouver la seconde saison!


Marilou said...

Tu trouveras tous les épisodes ICI
super site je regarde toutes mes séries dessus. Je te conseille de regarder les liens Movreel et

Kizzy said...

Happy New year, Lovely pics!

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