Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A little bit of Chanel, a little bit of LC

Today I'm off to Liege with a friend of mine. We're going to Primark (as per se) then we're off to watching Moulin Rouge and have a bite afterwards. I'll try to fillm a part of it and make my very first vlog on Youtube with it. Until then, here's a few things that are dear to my heart. How sad am I that I actually have spend a lot (well much more that the US price) to get my hands on two of LC cosmo's cover. Have a great day :-) 




Unknown said...

tu nous feras une petite vidéo sur tes achats chez Primark ou sur tes achats sur Liège? ce serait chouette :-)
gros bisous
bons achats

sihame said...

Marilou, t achètes où tes magasines en anglais? J'aimerais bosser mon english, donc si je peux travailler tout en me faisant plaisir, je ne dis pas non :D

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